This week in BBCe! with Khaled Abol Naga we're talking about jealousy.
What makes you jealous تشعر بالغيرة ? We're asking people in Cairo and London.
In Cairo, a man tells Abeer that jealousy can be stimulating محفزة ومحركة. He says if you are jealous of someone at work it makes you want to perform better أن تؤدي بشكل أفضل. But he also thinks jealousy can have a bad effect on relationships and may destroy them.
Another person Abeer chats to says she is not the jealous type من النوع الغيور. She says if you're in a relationship طرفا في علاقة with someone you have to trust them. And if you don't trust them, that's when you might get jealous.
Finally in Cairo, a man says that jealousy is not a word in his dictionary. He says if people are confident واثقين من أنفسهم they won't get jealous. At work he thinks jealousy can be a positive thing and push you to improve yourself. But if you want to get what others have, then it would be envy غبطة and not jealousy.
Abigail also asks people in London what makes them jealous. One woman thinks you have to feel passionate شغوف بشىء ما ومتحمس له to get jealous so it's not always negative. But she says jealousy can obviously cloud your judgement ترسم غشاوة على حكمك and be very destructive.
A man says in marriage jealousy is inevitable محتوم ولامفر منه. But jealousy is not just about relationships; he says he visited friends in the countryside and got jealous because they had a big garden and a lot of space.
Also in the programme, Abigail tells Khaled about some slang English; different ways of saying 'I said', such as "I went" and "I was like".
Tell us how do you feel about jealousy? And what makes you jealous?
عزيزي القارئ أخبرنا كيف تشعر إزاء الغيرة ؟ وماالذي يجعلك تشعر بالغيرة ؟
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